my youtube channel IEHG - European Institute of Hypnosis and Guidance Welcome to my channel dedicated to hypnosis, personal and spiritual development and success strategies. My name is Emmanuel. Hypnologist and Holistic Care Practitioner, I help people with physical or emotional problems. Through Spiritual Hypnosis, Energetic Care and Guidance & Voyance, I bring lasting well-being to people, while guiding them with discernment and kindness. I'm also a Certified Teacher of Spiritual Regression Hypnosis, Tarology, Kybomancy and Reiki Master. Happy exploring to you! PS: I read all the comments, even if I don't reply to all of them, as they represent a large volume. I delete any comments that are derogatory towards the community or myself, insulting, violent, hateful, unsuitable or inappropriate as well as any spam, advertising.... kindness is required 🙂