Mutuelle reimbursement
Which mutual insurance companies reimburse hypnotherapy sessions?
Knowing which mutual insurance companies reimburse your treatment can be a real headache.
Indeed, between all the options, sub-categories and contracts: mutual insurance reimbursements are confusing. This is even more the case in alternative medicine professions. What's more, the list of these professions is getting longer by the year, which frequently means that we no longer know what our mutuelle santé will or won't reimburse.
At every session, my consultants believe that their mutual insurance company will never reimburse their hypnotherapy session. More often than not, this belief leads them to realize at the end of their session that this was not the case, and that they could have benefited from partial or total reimbursement for their hypnotherapy session.
The number of mutual insurance companies that reimburse hypnotherapy and their reimbursement conditions are constantly evolving, so don't hesitate to check regularly with your mutual insurance company to find out what's new and what the associated reimbursements are.
Social security coverage of hypnotherapy sessions...
Recognized as an alternative medicine, hypnotherapy is not covered by social security.
However, it can be reimbursed when a doctor or psychiatrist practices hypnosis. And reimbursement is based solely on the price of a €25 consultation (the price of a hypnotherapy session in France averages between €70 and €120). This price depends on the region and the practitioner's training, experience and reputation.
Is it safe for me?
The therapeutic practice of hypnosis does not presuppose any particular "gift" on the part of the consultant. The hypnotic state is a normal mode of psychological functioning, a kind of "paradoxical wakefulness" that can easily be mobilized in virtually all patients.
Respectful of the consultants' wishes, this practice has only one risk: that of stopping the protocol before the end, because the objectives would not be achieved.
Which mutual insurance companies reimburse hypnosis sessions?
Some mutual insurance companies cover hypnotherapy sessions. They now offer contracts that facilitate access to alternative therapies. Don't hesitate to contact your current mutual insurance company to confirm whether hypnotherapy is covered by your contract. Here is a non-exhaustive list of mutuelles that reimburse hypnotherapy sessions. Feel free to use an internet comparator for more information:
Abéla Santé
AG2R La Mondiale (this mutual insurer reimburses 4 sessions per year and per person)
Allianz Health
AIO Health
April Santé
Apthéma Santé (reimburses €45/session)
Cabinet Vandamme
Checkouts :
Complémentaire des Cadres
of Chantiers Navals de l'Atlantique
de Prévoyance "La Boétie
Mutuelle d'Assurance et de Prévoyance (C.M.A.)
Cap Mutuelle
CAPRICEL-Groupe Magdebourg
Direct AssurFinance (reimburses €25/consultation up to 3 per year)
Dynalis (reimburses 100% of sessions, up to 8 sessions per year)
Gay Prévoyance ("Formule 300" or "Formule 400" contracts reimburse €183/year)
G.F.P Prevunion
Groups :
France Mutuelle ("Optimal" contract reimburses up to €30.50/session)
Mercer ("Option 3" contract)
Harmonie Mutuelle
Intégrance (up to €150/year)
The Family Link
Matmut Assurances
Ménage Prévoyant ("Option Plus" contract)
MGEN (reimburses €26 per session)
MNCI (covers sessions up to €92/year)
Mutual insurance companies :
Civil Defense
Familiale de l'Ardèche
Générale des Salariés (reimburses up to €130/year)
du Personnel de la Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations France
de l'Anjou (reimburses €75/year per person)
Air Force
Familiale de l'Ile de France (reimburses 50€/session)
OPEGA (reimburses up to 80% of costs)
Prado Mutuelle ("Punch" and "Zen" contracts cover 4 sessions/year)
PREVIADE Mutuelle de Prévoyance
CCI Special Health Insurance Scheme
Société Mutualiste du Personnel du CCF
SMEBA ("Écume" contract reimburses up to €76 per year)
SMENO (reimburses €30 (package M), €60 (package L) or €100 (package XL)
Société Mutualiste Inter-Professionnelle Rhône-Alpes
Swiss Life (Ma santé facile contract)
UMC (reimburses €23/session up to a limit of 10 sessions/year)
Verspieren Assurances
Verrerie Ouvrière Albigeoise (reimburses 50% of sessions)